The Keys to High-Level Cross Examination
This one-day cross examination seminar is the only one of its kind. It uses the best practices from trial-advocacy programs in the United States, Europe, and Australia. But it goes beyond those existing programs, for it takes their traditional wisdom and teaching methods and combines them with the key, modern principles of persuasion theory. The result is the most cutting-edge cross examination program anywhere.
In one day, we teach participants the keys to understanding and planning for a successful cross examination. We teach how to think about cross. We teach how the building blocks of a successful cross. We teach how to incorporate the principles of storytelling into cross. Nobody else does those things. (To learn about the principles animating the program, see link below.)
Program Components:
A. Why most cross examinations fail
B. The principles of witness control
C. The jigsaw-puzzle method for
building a cross
D. The components of a successful
E. Why storytelling is essential to